China intercepts US submarine probe in South China Sea

2024-06-26 12:23:34

China recently intercepted a submarine probe dropped by a United States military aircraft into the South China Sea, said Yuyuan Tantian, a social media account affiliated with Chinese state broadcaster CCTV, on Wednesday.

The US military aircraft were found hovering over the waters of the South China Sea and continuously dropped “unidentified items” downwards, Yuyuan Tantian added.

China’s coastguard salvaged and checked an item, a video released on the account showed. It said the interception took place recently.

“The probe can be used to detect Chinese submarine signals and to counter signals from submarines underwater,” text on the video said, quoting an expert.

Published By:

Ashutosh Acharya

Published On:

Jun 26, 2024

South China Sea, US submarine, China, state media

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