Russia: Student jailed for 10 days for using pro Ukraine slogan as WiFi network name

2024-03-10 01:45:23

A Russian student has been sentenced to 10 days in jail in Moscow after he renamed his WiFi network with a pro-Ukraine slogan, RIA-Novosti news agency reported on Saturday.

The Moscow State University student replaced the name of the network of his WiFi router with ‘Slava Ukraini’ (Glory to Ukraine), which is the rallying slogan of Ukrainian forces.

A Moscow court found him guilty of publicly displaying “demonstration of Nazi symbolics” and “symbols of extremist organisations”, RIA-Novosti reported.

The student was arrested last week in Moscow after a police officer reported the WiFi network name to authorities. Court documents stated that the officers inspected the students’s room at the university campus, and found his personal computer and WiFi router.

The court further stated that he used the network to “promote the slogan” to an unlimited number of users within the WiFi range, BBC reported.

The router has now been confiscated.

‘Slava Ukraini’ has become a rallying slogans for Ukraine’s supporters in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, and is regularly chanted during pro-Ukraine protests.

Since the war began in February 2022, Russian officials have imposed fines and issued thousands of jail terms against people for publicly criticising the offensive or showing support for Ukraine, the BBC report added.

Published On:

Mar 10, 2024

russian student jailed, Russian student wifi network name, moscow state university, Russian student wifi name, pro ukraine wifi name, russia Ukraine war, pro ukrainian slogan, Russian student jailed for wifi name

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