Israel Hamas war: Joe Biden’s push for Palestinian state would lead to holocaust, says Israel minister Amichai Eliyahu

2024-02-25 05:25:15

Amid the international call for long-standing peace in Gaza and the execution of the two-state solution, Israel’s Heritage Minister, Amichai Eliyahu, asserted that the establishment of a Palestinian state next to Israel “would lead to a holocaust”.

Minister Eliyahu, a member of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party, warned that the US President Joe Biden ‘is leading us to a disaster’ as he supports the two-state solution.”

“I want to say thank you to the United States and the Biden administration for all of their support,” but “Biden is making a very big mistake,” the Israeli Minister told the Times of Israel.

He claimed that an overwhelming majority of Palestinians “support the barbaric massacre” and it shows that “terror pays and will get you what you want.”

The minister said he believes that the establishment of a Palestinian state next to Israel “would lead to a holocaust.”

Eliyahu is known for his controversial remarks, including suggesting the “nuke option” for Gaza and calling for “full occupation” of the strip.

The Israeli Minister’s comments came amid global efforts for peace in Gaza progress at various levels. Israeli delegates met on Friday in Paris with Qatari, Egyptian and US mediators who helped achieve the previous ceasefire.

There was no immediate comment from Qatari, Egyptian or US officials, while the Israeli delegation said they will brief the war cabinet.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has recently asserted that he will not accede to Hamas’s demands to reach a ceasefire deal. The Israeli Defence Force has, however, intensified its attack, especially in southern Gaza.

Netanyahu, who recently presented his first official “day after” plan for the Gaza Strip once the war ends, stated that Israel will keep security control over Palestinian areas and make reconstruction dependent on demilitarisation.

Published On:

Feb 25, 2024

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israel, Israel hamas war, gaza, Gaza attack, Gaza ceasefire, Palestine, Hamas, Benjamin netanyahu, Minister Amichai Eliyahu

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