Nikki Haley’s challenge to Donald Trump after he mocks her husband, asks him to say it on her face

2024-02-11 02:51:51

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley lashed out at former President and his rival in the polls, Donald Trump, on Sunday after he questioned why Haley’s husband wasn’t on the campaign trail. Responding sharply to Trump, she asked him for a direct debate instead of saying things behind her back.

“Michael is deployed serving our country, something you know nothing about… Donald, if you have something to say, don’t say it behind my back. Get on a debate stage and say it to my face,” she said in a campaign event.

In a statement later, Haley said, “If you mock the service of a combat veteran, you don’t deserve a driver’s licence, let alone to be the President of the United States.”

Trump, while campaigning in Nikki Haley’s home turf South Carolina on Saturday, questioned “What happened to her [Haley] husband?”

“Where is he? He’s gone. He knew. He knew,” Trump said.

“Donald Trump had a rally in South Carolina today. And at that rally, he mocked my husband’s military service. My husband, Michael, is deployed serving our country. I’m proud of Michael’s service. Every military spouse knows it’s a family sacrifice,” Haley said.

She urged her supporters to elect a commander in chief who “supports our troops and understands the sacrifices our military families make”.

“Getting involved in this election has never been more important. This is a battle for the soul of our country,” Haley added.

Nikki Haley is Trump’s last remaining rival for the Republican presidential nomination. Both leaders held events across South Carolina in the past few days, during which they attacked each other, ahead of its February 24 Republican primary.

Published On:

Feb 11, 2024

Nikki Haley, Donald Trump, Nikki Haley husband, republican presidential candidate, us election, who is Nikki Halye's husband

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