Trump, Biden win New Hampshire primaries in likely re-match for 2024 polls

2024-01-24 01:13:39

Former US President Donald Trump on Tuesday (local time) won New Hampshire’s Republican presidential primary election while current US President Joe Biden emerged victorious for the Democrats despite him not campaigning at all.

Trump’s second successive victory in New Hampshire after Iowa makes a re-match with Biden in the November 2024 presidential election likely. Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, Trump’s rival, who was looking to create an upset, finished second.

According to Edison Research, Trump secured 52.3 per cent compared with Haley’s 46.6 per cent after 14 per cent of the votes were tallied, news agency Reuters reported.

On the other hand, Biden secured a win in the New Hampshire Democratic primary as a write-in candidate, meaning his name did not appear on the ballot nor did he campaign for the state. This came even as Democrats defied party rules and held their primary election in the crucial state before South Carolina’s, according to the Associated Press.

For Trump, he became the first Republican to sweep Iowa, where he won by a record margin last week, and Hampshire since 1976, when the two key states set the stage for top candidates to face off for the White House. The New Hampshire primary was also the first one-on-one matchup between Trump and Haley after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, once seen as Trump’s challenger, dropped out and endorsed the former US President.

Despite the loss, Haley is seeking to put up a strong fight in the next primary in her home state, South Carolina, on February 24. The former UN ambassador finished third in Iowa, just behind DeSantis, and was expected to put up a tough fight and probably getting a chance to defeat Trump and win a state.

This is a developing story. It will be updated.

Published By:

Prateek Chakraborty

Published On:

Jan 24, 2024

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden, New Hampshire primary, Trump New Hampshire primary, Biden New Hampshire primary, Trump vs Biden 2024 presidential race, Nikki Haley, US presidential election

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