Arjun Kapoor took to Instagram on Sunday to share a Father’s Day post about his dad Boney Kapoor. However, instead of sharing a picture of them together, the actor shared a picture of Boney with his step-sister, Khushi Kapoor. The latter is Boney’s youngest child from his second wife, late actor Sridevi.
Sharing the picture, Arjun wrote in humour, “I tried finding pictures of dad with me but only found more images of him with @khushi05k #HappyFathersDay from Khushi and gang (laughing emoji).” He also tagged his sister Anshula Kapoor and step-sister Janhvi Kapoor in the post.
Khushi even replied to his caption, calling herself, “The favourite child” in the comments section. A fan also commented on his post, “Just google yourself with your dad you’ll get plenty of pictures together. Tried and tested!”
Meanwhile, Khushi shared a picture on Instagram Stories of Boney kissing her on the forehead. She captioned it, “Happy Father’s Day to my favourite person.” Janhvi however, shared a collage of many pictures of her with Boney, Arjun, Anshula and Khushi. She wrote along with the collage, “Happy Father’s Day to the best man I know, love you the most.”
Arjun and Anshula is Boney’s son from his first wife, late Mona Shourie Kapoor. Janhvi and Khushi are the daughters of late Sridevi.
Arjun had once spoken about his rapport with Janhvi and Khushi. He had told, “The good part is that they respect me and I respect them. I do tend to bully in the sense that I do tend to troll them from time to time because I have a snarky sense of humour and I do tend to crack a few extra jokes.”
“About advice, we don’t live together now so we’re not discussing everything on a day-to-day basis. I hate creating this fake perception that we have are one happy family living under the roof and discussing everything. We have discussed many things, and we continue to do that. But it’s still a very intimate space for us to come out so openly and speak about. I am somebody who believes in letting people do what they choose to do. I don’t interfere. But yes, if one of them comes to me to talk about something, I’m always there to give my two cents on my experience,” he added.