Stormy Daniels wore bulletproof vest to Trump trial fearing a ‘nut’

2024-05-14 07:54:10

The whole world read adult entertainer Stormy Daniels’ testimony against former US President Donald Trump last week about their alleged sexual encounter in the hush money case. But did you know that Stormy Daniels wore a bulletproof jacket to the court?

The adult entertainer’s lawyer, Clark Brewster, has revealed that Stormy Daniels was so scared for her life that she wore a bulletproof jacket to and in the courtroom in New York. Brewster said she was scared of “what a nut could do to her”.

She was taking the witness stand to discuss the details of her alleged sexual encounter with Trump in a hotel in Lake Tahoe, US. Daniels’ testimony is an important development in the trial and she was being cautious.

“She was concerned about the security coming in to New York,” Clark Brewster, her lawyer told CNN. “She wore a bulletproof vest every day until she got to the courthouse,” he added.

“I can tell you that before she came on Sunday she cried herself to sleep. She was paralysed with fear, not of taking the stand or telling her story, but what some nut might do to her. And I’m genuinely concerned about it as well.”

The lawyer must have been referring to Trump’s supporters. People backing Trump have been violent at times, as was witnessed during the Capitol Hill storming on January 6, 2021.

Daniels, who has acted in several adult movies, was heard for about seven hours, and she discussed the details about a 2006 sexual encounter with Trump.

The former US President and Republican challenger has denied the charges.

Daniels clarified to the jury how she was not forced physically or in any other way to have any physical relationship with Trump. She was also not under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time.

Her lawyer further discussed how she lives in an area which does not have enough security provisions. Before leaving home, she also wore a necklace made by her daughter for her.

Daniels’ statement was much awaited in the trial, and she faced rigorous cross-examination during the trial. Trump’s team claimed her testimony could not be trusted.

Her lawyer even revealed he could hear Trump “cursing audibly”. As for how Daniels felt, “she was pretty nonplused by him. She really didn’t pay much regard to him. She heard him cursing in the courtroom, but I don’t think that impacted her at all. They were really trying to make her feel ashamed in some way of her profession.”

“I think that she would be more inclined to hope that the jury does the right thing and finds and conviction”, he concluded.

Published By:

India Today Web Desk

Published On:

May 14, 2024

stormy daniels, stormy Daniels real name, stormy Daniels trump, donald trump, Donald trump news, Donald trump twitter, Donald trump age, Donald trump wife

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