New audio reveals eerie ‘banging’ from Titan sub that imploded

2024-02-29 08:28:40

A new documentary on the Titan submarine implosion that killed five reveals the banging sounds that were traced by the Canadian Air Force on the first day of their search for the missing vessel. It was this eerie banging sound that gave the rescue team hope of rescuing the Titan occupants in June 2023, as reported by Forbes.

This sound had made the rescuers believe that the people on board may still have been alive after the sub lost contact with the surface.

While news reports initially mentioned rescuers hearing knocking sounds on the second day of the rescue, subsequently confirmed on the third, the Canadian Air Force revealed to Channel 5 that they actually heard the banging from the very first day of the search.

The audio clip is included in the new documentary ‘The Titan Sub Disaster: Minute by Minute’, which is set to be aired on the British broadcaster Channel 5 on March 6 and 7 (UK local time).

The Royal Canadian Air Force handed over the voice clip to the documentary makers, marking the first public release of it.

“The symmetry between those knockings is very unusual. It’s rhythmic, it’s like somebody is making that sound, and the fact that it is repeated is really unusual,” The Independent quoted a former Navy submarine Captain Ryan Ramsey as saying in the documentary.

The deep-sea submersible named Titan imploded on June 18, 2023, while attempting to explore the wreckage of the RMS Titanic ship. All five people on board, including the pilot, mission specialists, and observers, were killed instantly.

Those who died in the incident were OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush, father and son Shahzada and Suleman Dawood, Hamish Harding, and Paul-Henri Nargeolet.

Published On:

Feb 29, 2024

titan sumbarine, titan submersible, titan implosion, titan sound, titan documentary, tital rescue sound, oceangate

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